Sunday, May 17, 2009

Working Without a Net (Or: How Stupid Do You Have to Be to Run Rolemaster Sandbox-style over the Internet?)

Well, here it is. Countless hours of talking people through character creation, countless more hours of sifting through nine Companions plus the revised core rules to customize the system, and finally not a few hours of story prep will come to fruition in just under an hour. Success will spotlight further evidence that when it comes to GMing, I am the goddamn Batman. Failure means that a bunch of folks who have heard lots of bad things about my favorite game will have some of them confirmed.

Am I nervous you ask? Meh. A little. The story is what it is; if they don't like it, then they simply don't like the way I run a game. I'm a sandboxer, so while there'll be hooks dangling all over the place, 90% of the pressure on me will be for setting. That's why I'm blowing the dust off the old homebrew world that John, Aug, and I created together over the course of about ten years; I know it, I know the NPCs (retired player-characters most of them), and I know where most of the hooks will tangle (and I'm ready for my new players to tangle others).

What I don't know all that well are these players. How will they react? Will they react? What hooks will they bite at? Will they hook me instead by going after a hook I hadn't set(I hope so!)?

Like I was saying the other day: no matter how many years you've done this, starting with a new group (even the same group with one different player) is like being a brand new GM all over again. I can start a campaign a dozen times in the exact same place, with the exact same story hooks, and it will be entirely different each and every time. Its why I love this peculiar hobby of mine.

So I know what I'm getting into.

Doesn't mean I ain't nervous.


  1. Well Andy is there and we both know he's solid. Almost everyone else is a PG aren't they? So you aren't going in blind... anyway good luck.

  2. A rather delayed response but as a post game comment I think that session went pretty damn well and -I- got some awesome rolls without breaking a sweat.

    I must say when I stepped in an hour or so late I found things a bit daunting since I'm used to a heavier style of role-play but! I can't wait to see how things go next session.

    Good job so far Matt!
