- The Game Master Show's AP and Review of Colonial Gothic. This one is decent, though the Game Masters have run games that I've found more entertaining (Hellas comes to mind...). I started listening to this one since I plan on doing a similar play-and-review of that very game with the Pantsless Gamers in the near future (so all you other PGs stay clear of this one--I want you unsullied). I found it to be medium-informative regarding the mechanics (and it was good to see that Mario struggled with the very same editing difficulties I noticed in my own prep), but frankly the story was lackluster. Like the intro adventure included in the .pdf, it was a standard plot line, without anything that grabbed you into the setting. Hopefully, I'll do better (and I know the Game Masters can).
- The Gaming Grunts Adventure! campaign. I started listening to the Gaming Grunts with their sessions of the Day of the Beast campaign for CoC. To be brutally honest, I prefer these CoC recordings over the Yoggies, and so far they've got me hooked on this new one. It is currently on Episode 2 (plus an "Ep. 0" for character gen), and it is worth a listen. And of course the Grunts are part of the rpgmp3.com extended family, so show them a 'lil support, yo.
- The Kore RPG Myr Campaign. To the best of my knowledge this is the only other AP podcast that records a Skype game. I began listening simply from "professional" interest in how they got it done. I still listen because the story is engaging, even if it does tend to be a whole lotta Victor. Currently posted is Episode 23, "Victor's Dream". Walt Snider, the producer (and the one who plays Victor, but I'm sure that's a coincidence), keeps the eps right around an hour in length for easy scheduling, so it isn't a huge investment to give the first episode or two a listen. Just keep in mind, these guys ain't the Pantsless Gamers, and I mean that in both good and bad ways.
Okay, is everyone satisfied that I listen to a few 'casts that aren't hosted on rpgmp3.com? Good. 'Cuz here's what's happenning over there this week:
- Rolemaster Episode 25. Yes, yes, I know I promised not to abuse my VIP status to get at the goodies that I morally should pay for. But this is Rolemaster, bitches! My integrity lasted about a week. After that my self-loathing for compromising my integrity lasted about three minutes into the first session I would have otherwise had to wait two to three weeks for. I got over it. I moved on. So should you. General release is up to Session 21, I believe, so really the Patrons aren't too far ahead for once. I'm loving the RM sessions. Even if I weren't a rabid RM player, I'd still be frothing over the skilled GMing, and the awesome awesome fucking awesome Texan group. If they could find a way to shoehorn James into that game I think I might just sully my trousers.
- Warhammer Episode 7. See above disclaimer concerning me and Patron content. WFRP. Okay, so I'm not so much a fan of this game system. Its too...shitty. By that I mean, the setting is too low-magic and there's too much...shit. Squalor. Medieval realism. Whatever. Call me old-school but I like my fantasy to be fantastic, and the heroes should be heroic (I'm talking to you, Ned). That being said, this is Hal and the Texan crew (including James), so I'm still having a blast.
- SLIDEways. Its Whartson Hall. 'Nuff said.
- Accordlands... Oh, man. If memory serves (and even if it doesn't I've got my fracking DL Manager console right in front of me...), the last episode of the BAG-People's Warlords of the Accordlands campaign (which I love--and it is the last 3.5-based game "in production" on the site) I listened to was... Episode 38. General release is now up to 57. Patrons (see above about seeing above) are up to 60. Yeah, it'll be some time before I can talk about the Accordlands, but here's your chance to jump ahead of me! Go on. I dare ya.
So who's got something I should be listening to but ain't? Anyone?
I've got my rpgmp3.com podcasts almost in reverse. I'm trying to keep up on Accordlands and have put most everything else on hold except Rolemaster. No warhammer or slideways for me yet.
ReplyDeleteIf I ever catch up on general releases on rpgmp3.com, I'll branch out.
A week or two in a body cast should get you caught up just like I am. :-)
ReplyDeleteOn Skype gaming - I like the Myr campaign, though I have problems buying that Myr is, as it's front page claims, "the most popular rpg gameplay podcast in the world". I will wait until I see something in the way of proof.
ReplyDeleteHeroic Cthulhu ran a game with an international ensemble of players for over a year, though it has lost its RSS feed it still archives new sessions on the Internet Archive (http://tinyurl.com/m5h6pf).
I just began an actual-play podcast that uses Skype to connect the players (http://salvagebar.podbean.com/). Any notes on sound/game quality are apppreciated.