Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Computer RPGers vs Tabletop RPGers

Well, duh. Obviously there are differences between old farts like me who cut their teeth on roleplaying around a tabletop, and the new crop of gamers who came over from computer games like NWN. Why do I even think it noteworthy?

Because I've noticed that a lot of the computer gamers can't seem to cut the cord, that's why. They want everything possible to be automated for them. Excel character sheets that do all the calculations, for example. Clearly, this is their comfort zone, and I'm totally considerate of that; they never had to figure bonuses by hand before, so they're not sure why they shouldn't have it done behind the curtain in the tabletop environment as well. A perfectly valid point of view.

Except that for old farts like me, doing the mechanics are part of the gaming experience just as much as the in-character dialogue and spilling of drinks on the batttlemat are. Maybe I'm just stuck in my ways, but I find myself thinking If you want to play a computer game, play a computer game, and if you want to play tabletop (whether it is over Skype or in person) bring your damn pencil and scratch paper.

Someone tell me I'm off-base.


  1. Your off base... Just kidding. I'm a video gamer who plays tabletops Ieqo. I don't have any problem adding bonuses by hands but I'm a little slow at it, and with good reason. I'm LD in math. Thats learning deficient. So yes it is a relief to me when things are automated. But I'm scared to take up the abacus when I need too. But something tells me your not just talking about me.

  2. No, indeed, Zach. And the lovely becca has just pointed out something I should have mentioned: automating the game for newbs doesn't do anything to TEACH the system.

  3. I should have said not scared to take up the abacus, and for the record you are correct. I am ashamed to admit that just today I had to learn how to do D&D 3.5 character creation by hand because until now I had always used an automated generator. You are completely right. CURSE YOU!!!
